Determined young man resigns as an Engineer to pursue his childhood dream of becoming a pilot, achieves success

After spending several years obtaining degrees in engineering, Mark White, a clever and ambitious man from Delaware, recently celebrated realizing his childhood dream of becoming a pilot.
Mark White published a photo of himself as a child sitting on an airplane. Growing up, his educational path led him away from becoming a pilot and toward the profession of engineering.
In 2017, he graduated from the University of Delaware with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, earning his first degree. Yet, he went on to get a second bachelor’s degree from the University of Delaware in environmental engineering.
Mark White continued on to the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia, where he obtained a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering after receiving his second Bachelor’s degree. Afterwards, Mark was employed by General Electric as an Engineer before opting to leave his position in order to pursue his goal.
Mark White, who has already achieved his dream of becoming a pilot, described how he took a leap of faith in July when he quit his position as an engineer to pursue what he had long since fallen in love with.
” I took a leap of faith in July and left my job as an engineer to pursue something I truly fell in love with over the years, flying,” Mark said. “These past 3 months of Airline training have been the perfect balance between challenge and reward. It is a wonderful thing to find something that you enjoy doing and have it be called ‘work.’ I have wanted this life for so long and it’s finally here.”
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