15-year-old mother who dropped out of university returns to school, graduates as a doctor at 40 years old

A clever and ambitious teen mother who had to drop out of school at the age of 15 due to pregnancy managed to fulfill her dream of becoming a doctor.
After having four children, Katie Clark—now 43 years old—became a doctor, demonstrating that it’s never too late to achieve your goals. Since she was in the third grade, she had fantasized about being.
While still in high school, she became pregnant for the first time at the age of 14, and she gave birth not long after turning 15.
“There was a recognition that I was going to be young and this was going to change my life,” Clark says of the “unexpected and unplanned” pregnancy, which turned out to be “really difficult and challenging” due to nausea and fatigue.
“I remember jumping up in the middle of class to run to the bathroom and not even making it,” she says. “I threw up in a trash can in the hallway.”
She failed her college entrance examinations, which prevented her from receiving a scholarship. She continued to graduate, and at the age of 18, she enrolled at Cleveland, Ohio’s Case Western Reserve University.
She had her second son a few months after the start of her freshman year and was forced to drop out to care for her two kids.
Two years later, Clark ran into Curtis Clark, the brother of a high school classmate and the man who would become her husband. At the time, she was 20 and he was 22.
In 2001, Curtis married Katie, and he adopted her two sons. They then had two kids of their own, traveled around the nation, and her husband finished his education, pediatric urology fellowships, and medical residencies.
Yet it didn’t take long for Clark to get a chance to pursue her goals. When she was 25, she returned to school and completed an associate’s degree at a nearby community college.
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