A woman learns that her husband and a doctor plotted to conceal his infertility from her.

According to reports, a woman who was having trouble getting pregnant with her spouse discovered that he was infertile but kept it a secret.
An on-air personality retold the tale and described how the woman learned her husband had made plans with their doctor to trick her.
She stumbled into a chat where the medical professional advised her lover to notify his wife that he is unable to become pregnant with her.
When he was instructed to tell her the truth, the wife was shocked to find her husband chuckling on the chat. He allegedly loved his wife too much and withheld the facts from her as a result.
The post reads; ”Last night, a friend narrated a story she read on IG.. This man was infertile and planned with his doctor friend to deceive his wife..
His wife came across a chat between him and his friend (doctor), where the doctor friend was telling him to come clean but Bobo was laughing
He claimed to love his wife too much and didn’t want to lose her.. ”
I think we focus on cheating so much that we downplay other wicked acts that happen in marriage. Why the hell will a man know that he’s infertile and hide it? Even the ones that hide erectile dysfunction under the guise of “let’s wait for marriage”.
I swear, you will get dumped if you try it with the wrong person.. A certain church wanted to start fertility tests for intending couples, there was public outrage.
Why the hell do Men & Women, hide these things? You lure someone into a sham called marriage then cry for them to stay, after you are caught.. Some people were saying she can adopt and be a mother that way
Nobody is thinking of the pain,deceit & betrayal she’s dealing with. Adoption isn’t a bad thing & it isn’t something you throw at anybody.. You don’t take away someone’s power to decide,then expect them to accept your compensation ..
Some people will stay but they’ll deal with you mercilessly. Others will leave you to wallow in your world of deceit. STOP DECEIVING PEOPLE.. ”
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