Ciku Muiruri, a BBC journalist, criticizes Vera’s latest song in a diatribe about clout-chasers.

The recent clout-chasing antics of big-name celebrities appear to have peaked with BBC journalist Ciru Muriuki.
In a social media post, the dark-skinned media personality called out both Vera Sidika and Bahati for their despicable and shameless promotional stunts without even naming them!
“There are so many incredibly talented Kenyan artiste spanning different genres; gengetone, hip-hop, house and reggae. So many, but a few people have set the tone for this industry. The tone being screw talent, we will only rely on gimmicks,” the media started.
She went on to criticize the public and media for giving clout-chasers a platform and cheering them on despite the fact that they did not deserve it.
“We have given clout chasers a platform they do not deserve. Like now we have spent a week talking about somebody’s booty only to realise all this was a gimmick to drum up publicity before releasing (quite frankly, mediocre) song,” Miriuki fumed.
She went on to say that Kenyans had seen the Bahati family fall silent for a spell, with cryptic messages that scared supporters.
(Kumbe, it was all for show because Bahati would then release a song while sporting a new haircut.)
“A certain couple went out of their social media platforms with the exception of a couple of cryptic posts that had their fans really worried about them, then boom, a song is released,” she added.
She concluded her statement by adding that great talent speaks for itself, and she thanked artists like Sauti Sol, Nyashinki, Just a Band, Nikita Kering, and Wakadinali for making music without annoying antics.
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