Stella was the one who wanted to sell the house- Mr Ibu spills as he moves out of his house [Video]

Veteran John Okafor, often known as Mr. Ibu, has spoken up after his wife revealed their marital problems.
The actor criticized his wife for having a sense of entitlement and throwing tantrums when things don’t go her way during an Instagram live session with Daddy Freeze.
The actor criticized his wife for having a sense of entitlement and throwing tantrums when things don’t go her way during an Instagram live session with Daddy Freeze.
“My wife and I have been having so much misunderstanding. We had a big issue and we went to the police station to resolve things. We are currently not living together because of her behavior”.
Speaking about his adoptive daughter Jasmine, Mr. Ibu said she was the one who looked after him and covered his medical expenditures when he was in the hospital.
Okafor Daniel, his second child, who was present for the interview, described the extra measures Jasmine constantly takes to make sure Mr. Ibu and his family are well taken care of.
“My step mother (Stella Okafor) is being brainwashed. It started in Abuja when he was sick. Jasmine was in Cyprus when Mr Ibu fell sick and she came to Abuja to take care of him while in the hospital and paid his hills. She was the one who paid N500,000 to retrieve his account and went through all means to get verified.
Now that Mr Ibu is back on his feet, she wants to take glory. His wife wasn’t with him in the hospital and rather chose to party”.
Regarding Stella’s claims that the actor hasn’t yet paid the kids’ school tuition, Mr. Ibu said he provided her a million naira for the costs.
John Okafor revealed that his wife sold the cars he had purchased for her and that she had never given him an explanation of what she had done with the money.
He claims that she has tantrums anytime he doesn’t give her money. In addition, he claimed that his wife was the sole one who intended to sell both his daughter’s home and his own. He continued by saying that his wife’s persistent nagging had made his illness worse.
“My wife aggravates the sickness that I have. Once I have money – she would insult me. Stella was the one who wanted to sell the house”.
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