Young African Lady earns PhD degree in Economics with 6 honours, wins US Washington Award

Justina Onumah, a young and exceptional African economist, received her PhD with honors from the University of Ghana and the University of Bonn in Germany. She has six honors to her name.
Justina Onumah celebrated her achievement on LinkedIn. “I am happy to announce that I have finally been conferred with a #PhD in #DevelopmentStudies with a research focus on the economics of innovation and development from the University of Ghana on Friday, July 29, 2022,” she wrote.
Justina Onumah graduated from the University of Ghana with a Master’s in Agricultural Economics. She attended the University of Guelph in Canada as an exchange student while pursuing her Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics.
Justina Onumah attended the University of Ghana for her PhD in Development Studies after receiving her Master’s degree.
She noted that her academic journey has not been at all rosy but she likes to focus on the victories. “We’ve been broken at some point but we picked the pieces back together and moved on because we had a crown to chase,” she said.
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